Top 5 Long English Words By Zahid Sir
There are many words in English which are known for their length because they are big words. These long English words are there to shock every language enthusiast. If you want to learn top 5 long English words with examples, go through them one by one and understand them to use in a better way. Examples have been given after each word and their meaning and these examples will help you understand as to how you can use them in a particular sentence.
1. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: This particular word is renowned for being one of the longest words in English and refers to a lung disease which happens due to inhaling fine ash and sand particles wherever they are found. This word has 45 letters.
For example: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a rare but a serious health concern wherever and whenever it occurs.
2. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: It is used to signify the fear of long words and this word has 35 letters.
For example: You can easily overcome hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia by making yourself habitual to learning advanced vocabulary every now and then.
3. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: It is used to depict something which is extraordinary or excellent. This word has 34 letters.
For example: His Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious skills attracted the audience especially the children in the fair.
4. Floccinaucinihilipilification: It refers to the act of evaluating something as worthless or unimportant. This word has 29 letters.
For example: The manager’s floccinaucinihilipilification of all the employees of this particular company cannot be ignored as it’s going to bring down the morale of the employees to work for the betterment and the growth of the company.
5. Electroencephalographically: Connected to the measurement of electrical activity in the brain. This word has 27 letters.
For example: The doctor considered it right to go through the analysis of the patient’s brain function electroencephalographically because it will make the doctor feel more comfortable to diagnose the issues which exist there.
How to learn the pronunciations of these top five long English words?
If you want to learn the pronunciations of these five long English words, you will have to go through the online resources including an online dictionary and they will be able to help you in pronouncing these words correctly. You can also go through the online website of the Cambridge dictionary which will help you in understanding the pronunciation and you will be able to practise in a good manner to make sure that you also speak these words correctly with the correct pronunciation. It may take some time for you to practise the pronunciation of these words as these are long words but once you are regular in repeating these words for some time, you will be able to make yourself feel more comfortable while using any one of these words.
I hope you have liked these long words in English and if you want to make them perfect for yourself, keep practicing these words with examples and you will find that the standard of your English has become even higher. Don’t forget to share your opinions in the comments section about any one of the words mentioned in this particular blog.
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I’m Mohammad Zahid Hussain, a Content Writer, Spoken English, IELTS and PTE Trainer. I’m also a Professional English-Hindi and Hindi-English Translator, Editor and Proofreader. I’m a graduate from Jamia Millia Islamia University, and I’m here to share my articles on a wide range of topics to help you enhance your insights into various things to provide you with factual information and creative analysis.