Essay on Water Saving – Save Water Save Life

Essay on Water Saving – Save Water Save Life


Essay on water saving has been so important that almost in every school and college, students are asked to give their perspective on this particular issue, and this particular piece of writing will be  in addition to all the points and the types of awareness that are raised related to the importance of water in our life.


Scarcity of water happens because of the carelessness of the people who just waste water, and the earth has to face huge water depreciation, and because of this, problems like droughts and famine keep taking place on several occasions.

On the one hand, at various locations of the world, water has been available in so much quantity that people forget to understand its importance in their lives, and on the other hand, at various other locations of the world, the problem of the unavailability of water has been so huge that people throng if any water vehicle tank or vehicle comes for the general public as a service by the government.

Water is one of the favors of God, and we should not waste it by misusing it at a time when there is no requirement of water, and this must be kept in mind whenever we want to use water.


Save water campaigns

There have been several campaigns throughout the world about water saving, and the campaigns basically talk about getting rid of the waste of water that we do while bathing, cleaning, and washing. Water is not just there for drinking, but it is used for agriculture, industry and commerce, and other household needs.

Save water campaigns have not just taken place in India but in the whole world, and people have raised awareness in their own ways by showing the message on the importance of water on the placards and various posters and boards. 

This particular essay on water saving also appeals to all human beings to save water so that it may be accessible to those who are deprived of it when they need it the most and those who have difficulty in having regular access to it.


What can we do to save water?

I’m not saying to all human beings to save water by cutting down the required activities which can happen only with water but those human beings who are careless about the running tap which is not being used or those who are washing the clothes with more quantity of water than required, they need to think about the amount of water which is required for the fulfillment of one particular task, and they should not use water more than the required quantity.

It is always best to keep the drinking water covered so that no any harmful substance or insect enters in the water because if this happens, people are bound to throw the water, and that water is wasted. We need to understand about water conservation to benefit ourselves and others as well.

It is also going to be a wise thing to take only that much amount of water in a particular glass which a person wants to drink because many people are in the habit of taking more amount of water, but they drink less and throw away the remaining water. In the same way, there can be so many other ways which people can think of to save water in their own ways, which will just help humanity, and many will have access to the drinking water at least.


Final point

It is true that the earth has 71% of water, but only a small percentage of it is potable. Drinkable water has become so precious that nobody should ever be careless about wasting it in any way.

It should be the resolve of every one of us to never let a single drop go wasted because we know that this is the most vital natural resource which is required for the existence on this earth and this message of the importance of water through this particular essay on water saving should be conveyed to one and all.

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